We are implementing humanitarian, educational and development projects so that each child has access to their fundamental rights. In close partnership with the communities involved, we are taking action together to improve living conditions and access to education.
April 2024
The building for the baker to prepare the bread is nearing completion. Thank you to all the volunteers from the association FSJDC in Boma for their hard work and our partners in the UK Congo Action and Working together Congo for their support and help to complete this stage of the project. 10 children are already being supported with their school fees. Now onto stage 3 of the project, the building of the storage room for the cooked bread and the ingredients.
December 2023
The oven is up and running. The baker is making bread every day and the group of mothers are already out selling the bread.
September 2023
Our oven project is progressing. Construction is almost complete. Our aim is to create an income-generating activity by building this production unit with an outdoor oven for baking bread. A group of mothers motivated by the need to raise funds to enable their children to go to school soon will be able to sell the bread baked on site. The funds raised will be used to pay their children's school fees and supplies.
September 2022
Delivery of school supplies.
These are precious moments for Action Mbazi when we can get pens and an exercise book to each child. Basics are a big deal for these 426 children who attend the primary school in Kingo Mbungu, a remote village in rural Kongo Central.
June 2022: Celebrations at the school in Kingo Mbungu. The inside and outside walls of all 6 classrooms have been renovated and given a coat of paint, there are now cement floors in all rooms for the first time and new doors have been put in. The children and teachers danced and sang to welcome Action Mbazi, the parent's committee and the village chiefs. The children love their new school. See below to see the video of the children's celebration.
February 2022: The cement floors were layed. The renovation work on the inside and outside walls was advanced! Every one was keen to help.
December 2021: The village primary school in a rural area at 52 km from Nsioni in Kongo Central DRC. The 6 classrooms were in a poor state of repair and there were only an earth floor. The improvement work included creating cement floors in all classrooms as a priority.