DRC is the second largest country in Africa. Although the poverty rate has fallen over the last 20 years DRC remains one of the poorest countries in the world. 43% of children are malnourished (World Bank Statistics 2020) with more than two fifths of the population being younger than 15. Over 70% of the population is under 30. (2018 Enc.Britannica). Life expectancy in 2017 was 60 years.
Primary education is officially compulsory from 6 years old and is free but it is seriously underfunded. However 3.5 million children of primary school age are not in school, and 44% of those who do attend start well after they are 6 years old. Classrooms are often overcrowded and a wide variety of ages in the class, making teaching conditions difficult. National statistics also indicate that only 67% of children who start first grade will reach 6th grade (USAID 2021). There are school fees for secondary education and school is not compulsory. Action Mbazi works to reduce the inequalities of access to education and wants to give to all the right conditions to learn, develop their skills and flourish to help reduce the drop out figures and increase success rates.
There are more than 200 languages spoken in DRC with 4 national languages. French is the official language which is not only used in Education but also administration, business and international communication.