Education for all

Help us to improve the percentage of children continuing in secondary education and reduce the dropout rates due to financial difficulties in Boma in the Democratic Republic of Congo

      The Project

The project is to create an income generating activity by the construction of a production unit with an outdoor oven to bake bread. A group of mothers who are motivated to raise funds to enable their children to go to school will sell the bread baked on site. Funds raised will be used to pay for their children’s school fees and suppliesThe project is to create an income generating activity by the construction of a production unit with an outdoor oven to bake bread. A group of mothers who are motivated to raise funds to enable their children to go to school will sell the bread baked on site. Funds raised will be used to pay for their children’s school fees and supplies.

    Our Goals

By investing in this project we want to:

Reduce the rates of children dropping out from school mainly due to lack of funds and improve the future prospects of the next generation.  Through their education children will be given the skills and knowledge they need to increase their ability to earn an income and build a better future.

The mothers are the change makers.  The mothers  know that a better education brings better employment opportunities for their children and so we want to shift the power back to mothers. They have rallied together around this project and we want to invest in their efforts to help all their children and especially their daughters to stay in  school. Their participation in the sale of the bread made at the charity owned oven and their participation in the organisation allows them to earn and have power to take action.

   The Project Owners

We work through local communities and our local charity partner to develop specific solutions that the local community want to adhere to. Action Mbazi are happy to work with the F.S.J.D.C in Boma in the Democratic Republic of Congo. 

  Our Role

With your help, Action Mbazi will provide the funds to build the oven and in a second phase the bakery and store room and provide the seed capital to trigger the income generating activity of bread sales. We will assist the F.S.J.D.C in ensuring that the objectives of the projects are met.

F.S.J.D.C, the local charity in Boma, will make a contribution to the build and manage the set up and running of the activity.  Overtime they will be responsible for supporting the group of mothers, checking the objectives of the projects are met  and ensuring sustainability of the project in the long term.

How to Help ?

You can take action right now by making a donation on this page.

We value every donation no matter the amount. Your donation will make a big difference and will help transform lives for future generations.

We will keep you up to date with the impact of your donation. You can follow our progress on Facebook and Instagram


If you are a French tax payer you are entitled to receive a tax reduction. You will receive a 'reçu fiscal' to add to your decalration

Action Mbazi is an  association de loi 1901 d’intérêt général. La réduction d’impôt pour un particulier est égale à 66% des sommes versées  dans la limite de 20 % du revenu imposable si vous êtes imposable en France. 


2 890 €
4 000 €
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Your donation will make a difference

Every euro we receive from donations goes to those in need.  We take pride in having no administration fees taken from donations to operate our projects from France and all the people in our association have pledged to help those in need.and are our very valued volunteers.

We are also 100% transparent with where your donations go - all for a better education and empowering communities in need with the lowest possible implementation and communication costs for projects on the ground.

 Action Mbazi is a French registered charity and is  an "association d’intérêt général".

If you are taxable,in France  you can deduct from your income tax 66% of the amount of your donation (within the limit of 20% of your taxable income). You will receive a tax receipt to attach to your return